Enola Low-Grade Adventure

Uncharted Lancaster: Enola Low-Grade Adventure

Difficulty: 🤠🤠🤠🤠
Distance: 27.6 miles of completely level terrain (unless you leave the rail trail).
What to bring: A bicycle to speed your journey, an internet-connected device with GPS, and a digital camera.

With almost 28 miles of accessible trail finding the right spot is a real challenge. As such, there are two ways to complete this adventure. But first, if you want to learn more about the Atglen & Susquehanna’s history. Click here.

Needle in a Haystack

Traverse the Enola Low-Grade Trail until you find the location shown in the image below.

Find this spot on the trail.

Standing in the spot where the picture was taken. Turn to your 8 o’clock position and walk until you find the hole above eye level in the wall of this small valley.

Depending on the season, this small cave can be difficult to locate as vegetation could obscure its view.

Look inside the hole to unlock the location of the treasure.

When you are finished be sure to tuck everything back inside so unexpecting muggles can not see it from the trail.

With the password secured, click here.

Longer Two Stop Method

Find the culvert that Trout Run flows through. The culvert can be accessed via Pennsy Road, or you can walk there on the Enola Low-Grade Trail via the Red Hill trail access parking area.

The culvert at Trout Run Nature Preserve. 

Almost directly above the culvert, find the transmission pole line. The pole has an information plate on it. Find the pole’s weight and enter the five-digit number as the password to access the location of this adventure’s treasure.

To unlock the location of this adventure’s treasure, enter the pole’s 5-digit weight as the password.

Learn More

If you want to learn more about the history of the Enola Low-Grade before starting the adventure, click here.